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Our Grout Cleaning Specialists Restored the Beauty of This Kitchen Floor in Phoenix

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July 11, 2024

A homeowner in Phoenix wanted to do something about her kitchen floor, particularly regarding the discoloration on the grout. While her cleaners managed to remove most of the stains, the porcelain tiles still looked duller and there was nothing to do once the dirt made its way to the grout lines. The more she tried to clean the tiles, the more convinced she became that the floor needed some professional assistance.

Kitchen Floor Before And After a Grout Cleaning in Phoenix
With this in mind, the homeowner tried her luck online. She started looking for grout cleaning services in Phoenix and her search immediately led her to Sir Grout Phoenix. All the positive reviews made things look promising and there was no denying that the results in our picture gallery were very impressive. Still, the homeowner wanted more information about our floor restoration methods so she decided to give us a call.

Our agent was happy to outline the process in detail and introduced the option of a free in-home evaluation where our techs could assess the problem beforehand. Intrigued by this, the homeowner decided to schedule an appointment with our crew and trusted that they could point her in the right direction.

On the appointed date, our experts went to her house in Phoenix and the client explained the problem to them before letting them check the kitchen floor. They inspected the entire surface to rule out the chances of structural damage and confirmed that the sealant had faded from the grout. Soap-based cleaners can't do much to prevent the accumulation of dirt on unsealed grout because they create a foamy film that traps most of the dirt on the porous surface. That's why there were also traces of grime on the porcelain tiles.

The floor needed a full cleaning and sealing service since the stains were likely to reappear soon enough if the grout remained unsealed. The floor saw a lot of foot traffic every day, not to mention the spills and scratches that could affect the surface during the most active hours of the day. The client agreed with this assessment, so she immediately scheduled a new appointment to have the floor restored that same week.

Following her request, our specialists returned to the house a couple of days later. They were led into the kitchen for the second time and got to work right after preparing the area around the floor. First, they used a permeating cleaner to get the dirt loose and ran a high-speed surface to remove the residue more effectively.

At this point, it was time to seal the grout, so our techs applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines until the entire surface had the same light beige color. The client wanted a shade that resembled the porcelain's color and the effect drew attention to the tiles' texture. Moreover, the homeowner would be able to keep the grout looking as good as new for much longer because our sealant repels external elements like mold, grime, food residue, mud, and more.

Last but not least, our crew buffed the floor with tile sealant to preserve the porcelain surface against the worst effects of wear and tear. By then, the floor looked gorgeous while making the kitchen area appear larger. The homeowner had nothing but praise for our techs when she saw the result and she promised to recommend our services to everyone she knew.

Before leaving the client's house, our experts shared some additional cleaning tips. Their first recommendation was to replace traditional cleaners with pH-neutral formulas, especially when dealing with high-traffic surfaces like the kitchen floor. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner provides all the perks that make pH-neutral cleaners the superior option. Without exposing homeowners to toxic fumes, our cleaner removes the embedded dirt more quickly and efficiently. It works like a charm on mold, grime, grease, and other stains, so routine maintenance is much more bearable and satisfying. It also reduces the risks of discoloration and grout damage because the surface isn't subjected to harsh ingredients each time you go about your chores.

Next, our specialists recommended a series of steps to counter the effects of moisture buildup. A stuffy room is more likely to get moldy as the air grows stale, so our techs told the client to open the windows and doors for a few hours every day. They also recommended wiping any leftover dampness with a towel, a mop, or a terry cloth. These tools can remove all the residue without scratching the tiles in the process.

Sir Grout Phoenix is here to help you restore any part of your home, from your kitchen and bathroom floors to your shower and pavers. Our specialists provide top-tier residential services and never fail to deliver the desired result. Contact us today and discover the perfect solution to optimize your cleaning routine. You can call (480) 588-0731 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
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